We answer your questions and concerns

We provide simple answers to frequently asked questions during medical examinations.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Can you also treat lumps on the genitals and buttocks?

How long will it take for the scars to heal after surgery?

Will there be scars left from the surgery?

Can it recur?

Can I exercise after surgery?

Can I take a bath after the surgery?

Can I drink alcohol?

Will I receive surgery benefits from my life insurance company?

Is it covered by insurance? How much does the surgery cost?

How many visits will I need to make after surgery?

Is the surgery painful?

Can I have the cyst removed immediately after the examination?

Please tell me how to treat sebum.

Will the cyst heal naturally?

Can I crush it myself?

Where can sebaceous cysts form?

What symptoms do you get if you have a sebaceous cyst?